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A letter from a Crisis Text Line Counselor

Writer's picture: endurelifenowendurelifenow



I have worked in harm reduction and health and safety in music festivals for 5 years. During that time I have seen many people at most likely the lowest point in their lives and I realized how important it was for people who have hit rock bottom, dealt with adversity, or gone through significant trauma to speak up and out about it. Not only as part of a self healing process, but also to help others who may have experienced something similar to know they aren’t alone. Not only have I gone through trauma first hand, I have seen the effects on others and loved ones through some of the worst situations. Drug addiction, mental illness, childhood trauma. All of these can scar you for life and can take you down a dark road. While I was traveling that dark road myself I was trying to help others along the way. Think of it as a pay it forward of sorts. Fast forward to a year ago, I quit my full time job within the music industry because although I preached self care, I wasn’t practicing it. Soon after stepping down from my role I had a empty space in my soul that needed to help people in vulnerable situations, a good friend of mine experiences a suicide of a loved one and I knew I had to do something. I had heard of crisis text line and had shared it with my harm reduction team as a resource and also to people I encountered during music festivals and shows who I thought could benefit from it. I did a little bit of research and decided to apply to be a volunteer. After being accepted I felt the emptiness within me start to heal. I went through somewhat rigorous training to learn how to bring an individual from a hot moment down to a cool calm one and to give them resources for future situations. 

Crisis Counselors are in no way licensed therapists but we help others self heal by coming up with ways to positively and productively deal with those hot moments. We aren’t there only for those who are thinking about committing suicide but anyone who doesn’t feel heard. What I’ve come to realize in my life and through my training both at music events and the Crisis Text Line is that people want to be heard, they want to know someone is there and cares. 

If you or a loved one ever needs to text 741741 know that the people on the other end care and want to help, most of them are volunteers, some going to school for mental health, some are stay at home moms who want to be there for kids knowing how hard the world is, and people like me who just really want to help. 

One thing you learn through Crisis training is ALWAYS ASK. You aren’t going to magically put the idea of suicide in someone’s head by asking if they are thinking about it but you may save a life. Another extremely important thing which is also sometimes difficult is not giving advice but listening, validating, and helping people to find ways on their own for what works for them because what works for you doesn’t work for everyone. 

The world is full of judgement, don’t be one of those people. At Crisis Text Line, we don’t judge, you can be as honest as you want with us, we are here to listen and help. There are resources we can provide you, with permission that may help as well. This can be resources to help with anxiety, self harm, abuse, and more. 

Please reach out if you need someone to talk to, and please check on your friends. 

We are in this together, all of us. 


If you or someone you know is struggling, please contact:


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