
Aug 29, 20202 min

Less talk, more action!

Updated: Sep 10, 2020

There is something we can all do to help prevent suicide. Whether we are sharing the resources and helping raise awareness, or by personally knowing the guidelines and warning signs of someone that's at a low point, because with help comes hope.

Being the one that someone reaches out to can be stressful and overwhelming if you don't know what to do or say. We want to help share these key steps and resources to ease that stress and making you feel comfortable being that person your loved ones reach out to if they need.

Know the warning signs:

• Increased alcohol and drug use

• Aggressive behavior

• Withdrawal from friends, family and community

• Giving away prized possessions

• Dramatic mood swings

• Impulsive or reckless behavior

Provide support:

• Don't be afraid to ask tough questions. If someone you know is in emotional pain, ask them directly "Are you thinking about killing yourself?"

This may feel uncomfortable, but research shows that talking about suicide reduces suicide ideation because it shows that you truly care.

• Keep them safe - If they say they've been thinking about suicide, ask if they've thought about how they'd do it? Then separate them from anything they are thinking of using to hurt themselves.

Listen - When your loved one is thinking about suicide, listen to their reasons for feeling hopeless and in pain. Listen without judgement, and with compassion and empathy.

Listen to understand, not to respond.

Help them connect to a support system so they have others to reach out to for help. Whether it's family, friends, co-workers, a therapist or the

Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1.800.273.8255)

Follow up - Making contact with that loved one within the following days and weeks can make a difference in keeping them alive. Check in with them on a regular basis, but don't make them feel like a checklist. Always lead with compassion and show that you truly do care about their wellbeing.


Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1.800.273.8255

Crisis Text Line - 741.741

Trevor Project - 1.866.488.7386

Hotlines Worldwide

Australia Hotline - 135 247

Brazil - 188

Canada - 1-866-363-MOOD (6663)

See all countries here
